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Solving ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package.

Solving ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package.

If you're a Python developer, you may have encountered the dreaded ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error at some point in your programming journey. It's one of those cryptic error messages that can leave you feeling frustrated and stuck.

But fear not, as in this article we will help you solve this error and get back to coding. We will explain what causes this error and walk you through step-by-step on how to resolve it.

So, whether you're a novice or an experienced Python developer, read on to find out how to fix this error and never let it hamper your coding experience again. With our comprehensive guide, you'll be able to avoid pitfalls and optimize your code to the fullest.

Importerror: Attempted Relative Import With No Known Parent Package
"Importerror: Attempted Relative Import With No Known Parent Package" ~ bbaz

The Dreaded ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package Error

As a Python developer, you may have encountered the dreaded ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error at some point in your programming journey. This error can occur when you are trying to import a module that is not in the same package as the current module.

What Causes This Error?

The ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error occurs when you try to import a module from a package that is not a parent or a child of the current package. This means that the module you are importing is either in the same package as the current module, or in a completely different package.

Why Is This Error So Frustrating?

This error message can be one of those cryptic error messages that can leave you feeling frustrated and stuck. It doesn't provide you with any useful information on how to fix the problem or what caused the error in the first place. Without proper guidance, fixing this error can be a daunting task, especially for novice Python developers.

Don't Worry, We're Here to Help

The good news is that we're here to help. In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step on how to resolve this error. Whether you're a novice or an experienced Python developer, our comprehensive guide will help you avoid pitfalls and optimize your code to the fullest.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package Error

Step 1: Understand Your Project Structure

Before you start fixing this error, it's important to understand your project structure. You need to know the location of your modules, packages, and your main program. This will help you identify which package your module belongs to, and whether or not it's a child or parent package.

Step 2: Use Absolute Import Instead of Relative Import

Absolute imports are explicit, and they help to clarify the package structure of your modules. To use an absolute import, you need to specify the entire path of the module from the root folder, including the package name. This will help you avoid the dreaded ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error.

Step 3: Add an Empty File in Your Packages

If you're still experiencing the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error, try adding an empty file in each of your packages. This tells Python that the directory is a package and should be treated as such.

Step 4: Use Relative Imports Correctly

If you must use relative imports, use them correctly. Relative imports should only be used within a package, and not across different packages. You should also avoid using relative imports for top-level modules.


The ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error can be frustrating and confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Our step-by-step guide has shown you how to fix this error in a few simple steps. Remember to always use absolute imports where possible, add an empty file in each of your packages, and use relative imports correctly. With these tips, you'll be able to avoid this error and optimize your code to the fullest.

Absolute Imports Relative Imports
Explicit and clarify the package structure Can be confusing, only use within a package
Specify the entire path of the module from the root folder Not recommended for top-level modules or across different packages
Avoid the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error Can cause the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error


Overall, it's best to avoid using relative imports where possible. While they may seem convenient, they can often cause more problems than they solve. Instead, always use absolute imports where explicitness and clarity are required. Additionally, adding an empty file in each of your packages is a simple solution that can prevent many errors down the line.

Dear blog visitors,

As we conclude this article, we hope that we have provided you helpful insights on fixing the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error. This error message can be frustrating since it could cause your Python code to stop working. However, it is essential to remember that this error is not uncommon, and there are various ways on how to solve it.

The first step in solving this error is understanding what it means. The ImportError occurs when Python cannot find the module you are trying to import. This error commonly appears when you are attempting a relative import without specifying the parent package. It indicates that you do not have the file hierarchy set up correctly.

To fix the error, you need to ensure that your file hierarchy is correct, run correct imports, and use the correct path for your file system. This could involve adjusting your environment variables, changing the directory path, or modifying your Python code. With patience and vigilance in checking your imports and directory paths, you should be able to solve the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package error.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we hope that it was helpful to you. We wish you the best of luck in writing excellent Python code in the future!

People Also Ask About Solving ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package

Python programming language is widely used for software development and data analysis. However, sometimes, you may encounter errors while writing a Python script. One common error is the ImportError: Attempted Relative Import with No Parent Package. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about this error:

  1. What does this error mean?

    This error occurs when you try to import a module using a relative path but there is no parent package to reference. This happens when the module you are importing is not part of a package or when you are trying to import a module from a package that is not properly structured.

  2. How can I fix this error?

    There are several ways to fix this error:

    • Make sure that you are importing the module correctly. If you are using a relative path, make sure that the module you are importing is located in the same directory as the script that is importing it.
    • If the module you are importing is part of a package, make sure that the package is properly structured. The package should have an file in its directory.
    • If you are importing a module from another package, use an absolute path instead of a relative path. For example, if you want to import a module called module from a package called package, use the following import statement: from package.module import *
  3. Why am I getting this error?

    You may be getting this error because:

    • You are using a relative path to import a module that is not located in the same directory as the script that is importing it.
    • The package that the module you are trying to import is part of is not properly structured.
    • You are using an incorrect import statement.